16 Protocols

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Protocols are a mechanism to achieve polymorphism in Elixir. Dispatching on a protocol is available to any data type as long as it implements the protocol. Let’s see an example.

In Elixir, only false and nil are treated as false. Everything else evaluates to true. Depending on the application, it may be important to specify a blank? protocol that returns a boolean for other data types that should be considered blank. For instance, an empty list or an empty binary could be considered blanks.

We could define this protocol as follows:

defprotocol Blank do
  @doc "Returns true if data is considered blank/empty"
  def blank?(data)

The protocol expects a function called blank? that receives one argument to be implemented. We can implement this protocol for different Elixir data types as follows:

# Integers are never blank
defimpl Blank, for: Integer do
  def blank?(_), do: false

# Just empty list is blank
defimpl Blank, for: List do
  def blank?([]), do: true
  def blank?(_),  do: false

# Just empty map is blank
defimpl Blank, for: Map do
  # Keep in mind we could not pattern match on %{} because
  # it matches on all maps. We can however check if the size
  # is zero (and size is a fast operation).
  def blank?(map), do: map_size(map) == 0

# Just the atoms false and nil are blank
defimpl Blank, for: Atom do
  def blank?(false), do: true
  def blank?(nil),   do: true
  def blank?(_),     do: false

And we would do so for all native data types. The types available are:

  • Atom
  • BitString
  • Float
  • Function
  • Integer
  • List
  • Map
  • PID
  • Port
  • Reference
  • Tuple

Now with the protocol defined and implementations in hand, we can invoke it:

iex> Blank.blank?(0)
iex> Blank.blank?([])
iex> Blank.blank?([1, 2, 3])

Passing a data type that does not implement the protocol raises an error:

iex> Blank.blank?("hello")
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Blank not implemented for "hello"

16.1 Protocols and structs

The power of Elixir’s extensibility comes when protocols and structs are used together.

In the previous chapter, we have learned that although structs are maps, they do not share protocol implementations with maps. Let’s define a User struct as in the previous chapter:

iex> defmodule User do
...>   defstruct name: "john", age: 27
...> end
{:module, User,
 <<70, 79, 82, ...>>, {:__struct__, 0}}

And then check:

iex> Blank.blank?(%{})
iex> Blank.blank?(%User{})
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Blank not implemented for %User{age: 27, name: "john"}

Instead of sharing protocol implementation with maps, structs require their own protocol implementation:

defimpl Blank, for: User do
  def blank?(_), do: false

If desired, you could come up with your own semantics for a user being blank. Not only that, you could use structs to build more robust data types, like queues, and implement all relevant protocols, such as Enumerable and possibly Blank, for this data type.

In many cases though, developers may want to provide a default implementation for structs, as explicitly implementing the protocol for all structs can be tedious. That’s when falling back to Any comes in handy.

16.2 Falling back to Any

It may be convenient to provide a default implementation for all types. This can be achieved by setting @fallback_to_any to true in the protocol definition:

defprotocol Blank do
  @fallback_to_any true
  def blank?(data)

Which can now be implemented as:

defimpl Blank, for: Any do
  def blank?(_), do: false

Now all data types (including structs) that we have not implemented the Blank protocol for will be considered non-blank.

16.3 Built-in protocols

Elixir ships with some built-in protocols. In previous chapters, we have discussed the Enum module which provides many functions that work with any data structure that implements the Enumerable protocol:

iex> Enum.map [1, 2, 3], fn(x) -> x * 2 end
iex> Enum.reduce 1..3, 0, fn(x, acc) -> x + acc end

Another useful example is the String.Chars protocol, which specifies how to convert a data structure with characters to a string. It’s exposed via the to_string function:

iex> to_string :hello

Notice that string interpolation in Elixir calls the to_string function:

iex> "age: #{25}"
"age: 25"

The snippet above only works because numbers implement the String.Chars protocol. Passing a tuple, for example, will lead to an error:

iex> tuple = {1, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 3}
iex> "tuple: #{tuple}"
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for {1, 2, 3}

When there is a need to “print” a more complex data structure, one can simply use the inspect function, based on the Inspect protocol:

iex> "tuple: #{inspect tuple}"
"tuple: {1, 2, 3}"

The Inspect protocol is the protocol used to transform any data structure into a readable textual representation. This is what tools like IEx use to print results:

iex> {1, 2, 3}
iex> %User{}
%User{name: "john", age: 27}

Keep in mind that, by convention, whenever the inspected value starts with #, it is representing a data structure in non-valid Elixir syntax. This means the inspect protocol is not reversible as information may be lost along the way:

iex> inspect &(&1+2)
"#Function<6.71889879/1 in :erl_eval.expr/5>"

There are other protocols in Elixir but this covers the most common ones.